Gazing out at Lugu Lake, there are moments when thoughts fade, and a warm surge arises in the heart, seemingly establishing a profound connection between the self and the outer world. The tranquil water's surface brings a feeling of freedom, relaxation, and joy that is difficult to express but can be summarized by the ancient Sanskrit term "KAMA MUTA". Pets hold a unique presence—the paw pads of cats and the eyes of puppies bring a breath of fresh air to the city, blooming into bouquets of happiness. We are consistently moved by their bare yet fervent love. With their companionship, our souls flourish, and creativity finds inspiration. Members of KAMA MUTA possess this strength, we are not just creators but seasoned pet owners. Together, we explore the balance and harmony between humans, pets, and space, offering a myriad of possibilities for the enriched lives of countless pet-owning families.

The Meaning of Existence

The flashes of creative ideas arepromptly documented in our product center. We swiftly explore functional needsand refine these inspirations. From defining the product to aligning with thesupply chain, each step brings these envisioned creations to life. The diversearray of ideas serves as genuine records of the emotional exchange between usand these inspirations.

Approaching from a standpointrooted in pet science and anchored in aesthetics and design, our goal is tocraft pieces that better resonate with modern pet-owning households. Throughour creations, we aim to enhance the lives of both humans and pets within thisshared space—ensuring comfort and freedom for pets and ease and joy for petowners.


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Amidst the whirlwind ofinformation, an infinite array of emotional needs is birthed. Every momentspent at home alongside a cat begs to be eternally captured—a tangiblerepresentation of the emotions soothed by pets.

KAMA MUTA freezes these cherishedmoments with a tender gaze, infusing a romantic design expression. Throughsensory visuals, it constructs an alternate space to encapsulate the emotionalbond between humans and pets. These everyday visual narratives prompt sincereintrospection, stirring emotions and memories, harnessing the healing powerwithin.


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A lot of KAMA MUTA's textualinspiration springs from the depths touched by pets. Each word and sentence,salvaged from the magical and warm emotions evoked by their company, candidlynarrates the primal sentiments between humans and pets, conveying the aestheticsof human-pet life.

Lifestyles aren't set in stone,just as the state of human-pet life lacks a fixed pattern. Whenever we cuddleup with them, there's always a desire for time to stand still. We aim tocommunicate these brand ideologies, connecting our deeper emotional realms,exploring diverse sensations of happiness in different states, seekingresonance, and thereby finding strength.


The Stories


As an emerging designer brand,youthfulness and bravery embolden us, unafraid of progressing or encounteringfailure. Along the journey, even the 'not-so-good' moments become glimmers ofstars, illuminating KAMA MUTA's future path.

Warmed by Fellow Chinese Compatriots
Failed Journey of Milan Design Week

As a Chinese designer brand thatplaces design at its core, KAMA MUTA recognized the opportunity to participatein the globally acclaimed Milan Design Week as a chance to showcase Chinese petproduct design to the world—a precious opportunity that we highly valued.

Upon receiving the exhibitionnews, we began meticulous preparations with excitement. Ensuring precision inevery detail, our product center partners, designers, and factories scouredvarious places for materials. However, despite our efforts, it all fell throughat the final moment. Lacking experience in overseas exhibitions, we misjudgedinternational shipping timelines, causing us to miss this chance to showcaseChinese designer brand works. Yet, this served as a learning experience for us.Being in Milan, we felt the warmth and kindness of our compatriots.

Post the Milan exhibition,seeking help from local Milanese through official channels, we managed toretrieve the exhibits. Upon sharing this on social media, we received anoutpouring of comments and messages from IP addresses based in Italy. Theselfless generosity of our compatriots deeply moved every team member, tenderlyhealing KAMA MUTA.

Missed the Fuorisalone
But Encouraged by Fellow Chinese

Product Manager

on the Assembly Line

The unexpected surge inpopularity of our Pet Totet Bags within the small dogcommunity was truly an honor. However, a cautious judgment from our youthfulteam led to an unexpected stock shortage crisis for the Medog Green bags. Determined not todisappoint the pet-loving households who adore KM products, upon learning aboutthe inventory shortage, our entire product center team promptly rushed fromShenzhen to the factory site. They actively joined the factory production line,working alongside frontline workers, striving to offer superior products tosupport KAMA MUTA's pet owners.

Simultaneously, the productcenter diligently monitored user feedback. Following the launch of the petbags, isolated reports surfaced regarding strap slippage during use. Afterthorough testing and validation, the product center introduced "Non-SlipBuckles" as an additional accessory to effectively address strap slippage.These accessories were then shipped to every household that had purchased theportable pet carrier, ensuring a more comfortable user experience for ourvalued customers.

Product Manager
on the
Assembly Line
Call for Same Standard of Quality
We're Here in Taiwan, China

To what extent can trust existbetween two individuals who have never communicated?

Completely unfamiliar to us andwith no idea how they learned about KAMA MUTA, the renowned distributor of thepet brand in Taiwan reached out to us. They resonated with KM's designaesthetics and dedication to quality, instantly hitting it off with us. Theychose to become our partners. However, due to differences in our work habitsand currency, a misunderstanding arose regarding settlement in Taiwanesedollars, resulting in a fourfold difference in the order amount. It wasn'tuntil the goods were about to be shipped that both parties realized thisbizarre mistake.

As we prepared to rectify thesituation, the distributor's confidence in KAMA MUTA surprised us. Against allodds, they insisted on taking KM's products back to Taiwan, allowing KM to makeits debut on the beautiful island. This move aimed to cater to pet-lovingfamilies in Taiwan, sharing the aesthetics of human-animal bonding with theTaiwanese lifestyle. It's this client's affirmation that gives KAMA MUTA theconfidence to envision a promising future.

copyright© 2022 KAMA MUTA