In-House Designer

Yi Qu- Illustrator, Edinburgh College of Art, UK
Chen Liang - Renowned Furniture Designer, recipient of German iF Award and Red Dot Award
Ning Wan - Fashion Designer, Milan NABA, Italy

KM proposes multi-dimensional needs around humans, pets, and households, collaborating with specialized designers in the product field. Currently, seasoned designers from prestigious art institutions in Germany, the UK, and Milan are involved in product development. This brings forth creations that resonate with pet nature, foster relaxed human-pet relationships, and exude natural beauty.

Yi Qu, as the Lead Visual Designer, infuses KAMA MUTA with a romantic and vibrant emotional tone through vivid color blocks, irregular lines, and free-spirited creativity.


Edinburgh College Of Art Member of The Association of Illustrators Blackheath Art Society
How did you develop your unique artistic style?
My cultural background has played a significant role in shaping my artistic style……
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How did you develop your unique artistic style?
My cultural background has played a significant role in shaping my artistic style. My mother, from Shanghai, was my first artistic mentor and encouraged me to express myself through creative activities, filling our home with my impromptu drawings. Holidays spent in my hometown of Shandong exposed me to different experiences, from picking up seafood by the sea to picking fresh fruits in our garden. The colorful natural scenery have deeply influenced my current color palette. Studying at Edinburgh College of Art in the UK for over seven years also exposed me to diverse cultures and strong artistic atmosphere, which gradually influenced my painting style. Today, I use versatile and dynamic lines combined with bright solid colors to convey a sense of casualness and liveliness beyond the two-dimensional plane. I aim for my artistic creations to convey decorative qualities in visual communication that are easily understood and trusted, while contributing sustainably to the growth of the brand.
How did you start your relationship with your dog, Joejoe, and does he inspire your creative work?
I often share Joejoe's daily life, and I even signed up a social media account for him. Four years ago, I was going through a low point in my career and feeling anxious about my life. I felt that I needed some tangible support to get through this tough time. Meeting Joejoe was a turning point for me. He seemed to have a natural ability to heal and was always by my side. He not only helped me overcome my anxiety but also inspired my creative work. Many of my paintings were inspired by our travels together with Joejoe.
What encouraged you to accept the invitation to collaborate with KAMA MUTA?
After going through a complicated process to bring Joejoe back to China, I felt guilty and wanted to make it up to him. The opportunity to collaborate with KAMA MUTA to create fun and loving products for our pets from a pet lover's perspective was a perfect way to do so.
Where did you get the inspiration for the main visual design of KAMA MUTA?
The visual design for KAMA MUTA was inspired by the brand's story. I imagined KAMA as a fearless dog explorer and MUTA as an elegant cat, finding common ground between humans and pets. I used versatile lines and color blocks to create scenes of human and pet co-living that can be rearranged and used sustainably. This design approach integrates visual elements into everyday life, utilizing the logic system of widespread beauty display, and attracts consumers with both aesthetic and practical values.
Your illustrations often include elements of plants. Can you share your understanding of the relationship between humans, pets, and nature?
I love being close to nature and admire the relaxed state of small animals in their natural environment. As for humans and pets, we often view them from a godlike perspective, thinking that we provide them with all the necessary protection for their lives. However, I believe that it is more accurate to say that we nurture ourselves spiritually with the pure, simple, and unpretentious qualities of our beloved pets. Being with our pets helps us regain our innocence and simplicity. A wagging tail of a dog or a loving purr of a cat never lies and always contains sincerity. In my opinion, the relationship between humans, pets, and nature should be one of harmonious coexistence, creating a warm and welcoming sanctuary for one another.

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